
Arduino Code

This was the code used for arduino programming: #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial BT(10, 11); // TX, RX String state; void setup() {   // put your setup code here, to run once:   BT.begin(9600);   Serial.begin(9600);   pinMode(13, OUTPUT);   pinMode(12, OUTPUT);   pinMode(6, OUTPUT);   pinMode(2, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:   while (BT.available()){     delay(10);     char c =;     state += c;   }   if (state.length() > 0){     Serial.println(state);     if(state == "acende vermelho")     {       digitalWrite(13, HIGH);     }     else if(state == "apaga vermelho")     {       digitalWrite(13, LOW);     }     else if(state == "acende Verde")     {       digitalWr...

Barriers and Issues | Week #4

All along the development of the project we've found some challenges to face and find a solution . It was hard to find a way to overcome those situations but with patience we achieved our goals . Barriers The great challenge we've found by doing the project were the limited resources to develop our project and with it , we couldn't finish what first was promissed .

Future Tasks | Week #3

Tasks : We added some task to accomplish as soon as possible , that is record and edit a video showing how our project works . We have discussed about it and we got in an agreement , and for the next week we will produce the video . So we have finished the video we are going to keep doing the arduino project , doing the code , and see how it really works , we have already done a lot of improvements but we're getting it better . What will be used ? In Easy Light's project we are going to use : The Arduino  Arduino Board (UNO MEGA 2560 R3)  Easy VR Shield Arduino -LEDS  Serial Modul WiFi ESP8266 ESP-01  Light Sensor LDR Transistors The Video GoPro Camera Wheelchair Mess

Practice Class | Week #3

The class We had a practice class to show how to turn on a led through a Arduino board,  guided by the students Mrs.Claudia and Mrs.Diana , and the teacher Mr.Calebe . What happened ? We started to build the whole Arduino sytem , with the part of the codes and concrete part , to turn on a Led , after we keep enhacing the project adding a buzzer (a component that makes noise) , and light sensor (a component that verifies the light and depending on , turn off or on the led .). The class went good , up to we try to run the code program , but some Computers weren't recognizing the Arduino boards . We had to change the computers that we were running the code for others , to try to recognize the Arduino board . We have finished the class with a practice example of how a modded walking stick, that recognize obstacles and vibrates when we are close to it . It was composed by an arduino board , a protoboard , and an obstacle sensor which was measured by the distance .

Our Project | Week #2

What's the purpose ? The purpose of Easy Light is to assist people with motion deficiency. It turns on and off lamps in their residence .      What does it look like ? It will look like a mini squared board , with some wires to connect the components inside . It will be used the Arduino, a digital microcomputer; to interconnect the electric system of  the lamps by using a recognizition voice command to turns on or off  .

Planning | Week #1

Beginning of class: Teacher Mario Shimanuki gave the initial concepts on resistors •Voltage • How Ohms Law Works • Prototyping board. Continuing the Lesson: Closing with the Led example. The students Diana and Claudia helped in the project bringing the main topics: • Fundamentals of Arduino Programming • Variables and constants • Multiple choice commands • Declaration of variables Vectors and matrices • Election commands • Repeat commands • Tinkercad. • While • Do while (Repeat, until). • Arduino Software • Where to get the program • Programming Cycle •First contact What did we do: • Creating a Tinkercad account • Tinkercad simulation of how a Led lights up.

About | Project & Team

This blog of the Easy Light  is to be followed the project of assistive technology in Arduino.  Our Assistive Technology project will be based on home automation with the Arduino being used to power devices by voice command. Felipe Moraes Project manager Student of the first semester of Analysis and development of systems at the Federal Institute of São Paulo Campus Caraguatatuba. Graduated in the technical course of Programming and Development of Systems, and student of web development also by the Federal Institute of São Paulo. Francisco Junior Web Designer Student of the first semester of Analysis and development of systems at the Federal Institute of São Paulo Campus Caraguatatuba. Liliane Zechel Documentation  Student of the first semester of Analysis and development of systems at the Federal Institute of São Paulo Caraguatatuba Campus. Victor Soares Programmer Student of the first semester of Analysis an...