Practice Class | Week #3

The class
We had a practice class to show how to turn on a led through a Arduino board,  guided by the students Mrs.Claudia and Mrs.Diana , and the teacher Mr.Calebe .

What happened ?
We started to build the whole Arduino sytem , with the part of the codes and concrete part , to turn on a Led , after we keep enhacing the project adding a buzzer (a component that makes noise) , and light sensor (a component that verifies the light and depending on , turn off or on the led .).
The class went good , up to we try to run the code program , but some Computers weren't recognizing the Arduino boards . We had to change the computers that we were running the code for others , to try to recognize the Arduino board .
We have finished the class with a practice example of how a modded walking stick, that recognize obstacles and vibrates when we are close to it . It was composed by an arduino board , a protoboard , and an obstacle sensor which was measured by the distance .

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